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Sauble Falls Photograph by Amanda Jones

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Comments (8)

Rachel Morrison

Rachel Morrison

How beautiful! Like brush strokes on the falls and amazing green borders!

Darin Williams

Darin Williams

Beautiful image. I love the treatment you gave the moving water! l/f

Amanda Jones replied:

Thanks so much, Darin!! :)

Stephen Melia

Stephen Melia

Breath taking and the post pro on the water is fabulous lovin it l/f/tweet

Amanda Jones replied:

Thanks Stephen! I got the smooth look on the water by using a 9 stop filter and a much longer exposure!

Robert Bales

Robert Bales

Excellent camera work to get this beauty!! v/f/t

Amanda Jones replied:

Thanks so much, Robert!!

Donna Kennedy

Donna Kennedy

Beautiful image and exposure!

Amanda Jones replied:

Thanks, Donna!!

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Congratulations! Your fantastic art is featured in the Five Star Artist group. LF Please archive the image in "NEW! Featured Images Archive & Thank You Thread (June 2017 Onwards)" on the group page.

Amanda Jones replied:

Thank you so much, Johanna! It's greatly appreciated!! :)

Johanna Hurmerinta

Johanna Hurmerinta

Such a fantastic pow, colors and long exposure image! LF

Amanda Jones replied:

Thanks so much, Johanna!! :)

John S

John S

Awesome long exposure photo ! Great details !

Amanda Jones replied:

Thanks so much, John!!

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Sauble Falls by Amanda Jones
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